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How can I view prices in my currency?

How can I view prices in my currency? currency default setting is the US Dollars; however, we also provide viewing and transactions in the following currencies:

  • - Euro (€)
  • - British Sterling Pound (£)
  • - Canadian Dollar (CA$)
  • - Australian Dollar (AU$)
  • - Swiss Franc (CHF)
  • - Hong Kong Dollar (HK$)

In order to view our site using a different currency, please click “Ship to:” to change country and currency.

Then, a window displaying all the countries and currency denominations will pop-up. Please select country and currency denomination, which is located at the bottom of the page, “Choose Currency:”

A secondary way to change currency is by changing the currency denomination in a product page. Move the mouse over USD, the standard setting; a drop-down will appear where currency may be selected and set.
